Shiny DUO

With environmental threats and degradation such as deforestation in mind, Shiny Duo hand stamps replace conventional wooden stamps in a multitude of sizes, with the versatility of integrated ink pads and dust covers.

Self Inkers

Custom self-inking stamps offer a quick and clean way to leave a mark on any form, document, or product. We offer a variety of self-inking stamp styles and sizes to suite your stamping needs. 

Metal Embossing Seals

Metal seals can apply stamps to different types of material without the need for ink. They enable a more professional finish along with added security.

These types of devices are perfect for certificates and other important documents you may wish to make more official with your company name and/or logo etc.

Date Stamps

Date stamps have changeable date impression features along with custom or pre-made information. Use these as part of your work flow process to ensure accurate date keeping.

Automatic Numbering Machines

These machines can serialize your product, ticket, validation material with auto incrementing numbers.


We carry a wide variety of inks for your stamping needs. From single color, multi-color, invisible, fast drying, super marking inks and accessories.

Engraved Signs

Our laser engravers can reproduce your custom logo or choose from a wider variety of fonts for your signs to be installed indoors or outdoors.